Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Health of Our Planet

I don't consider myself a "bunny hugger", a "granola eater" or whatever term enviornmentalists are called, but I do consider myself environmentally conscious. I think you have to be. We only have on earth, and we don't seem to be taking very good care of it. It makes me sad there is so much needless waste in the world. I love Women's Health Magazine (WH). They have several pages devoted to special reports.(health, fitness, nutrition, weight loss, sex and most recently a plantet report) They have short little tid bits about developments on each topic. WH has helped open my eyes to a lot of ways I can help make our world better. I have written an article on the effects of shark finning and boy did that open my eyes too. It is horrible. Now I am ranting. I just feel I need to do something to help our planet and set an example for our future generations. A children's book I read to Patterson called "The Stinking Story of Garbage" went through the different stages of the world and how garbage evovled from simple piles of bones and food scraps to the now mountains of garbage we have today. It also talked about what you could recycle. I made a commitment to try to recycle whatever I could. I now have piles of recyclables in the house and garage waiting each week to be taken to the appropriate places. It drives Travis crazy, but it has reduced the amount of things we throw away and I feel I am reducing our footprint on the world. I also have a scraps bucket for my compost heap. I enjoy the peace of mind I now have, knowing that I am making a small difference.

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