Friday, September 3, 2010

New Goal

I am going to try to set a goal. We'll see how long I can stick to it. Maybe through your help, I will be more accountable.

I have posted to the side my progress with my books. I hope to have "Honorable Disgrace" 100% typed by the end of this month. It really is a feasible goal and I know I can do it. But the truth of the matter is I think I have a certain fear of completing my book(s) because then at that point it will be time to send them in and I wonder if I drag my feet because I fear rejection.

I know rejection is a ginormous part of the writing process, but try as I might I really worry about whether or not I really am good enough to be a writer. Well, I am a writer because I do write, but am I good enough to be a publishable writer?

During my blog surfing, I stumbled over a cute little site, "My Inner Fairy," and found just what I needed to help get over my self-pity party.

"And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing
guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity
is self-doubt." ~Sylvia Plath

Thank you "Inner Fairy" and I will endeavor to believe in myself. Until then I'll just be happy writing!

(You can visit "My Inner Fairy" here


What is consistency?

Do you have it?

I asked myself these questions and my answer is 'NO" I don't have consistency, unless my consistency is chaos. I am consistent with that. I am so inconsistent I want to scream at times.

Now ask yourself, how do you get consistency?

Have you figured it out?

Can you tell me please!!??