Friday, September 3, 2010

New Goal

I am going to try to set a goal. We'll see how long I can stick to it. Maybe through your help, I will be more accountable.

I have posted to the side my progress with my books. I hope to have "Honorable Disgrace" 100% typed by the end of this month. It really is a feasible goal and I know I can do it. But the truth of the matter is I think I have a certain fear of completing my book(s) because then at that point it will be time to send them in and I wonder if I drag my feet because I fear rejection.

I know rejection is a ginormous part of the writing process, but try as I might I really worry about whether or not I really am good enough to be a writer. Well, I am a writer because I do write, but am I good enough to be a publishable writer?

During my blog surfing, I stumbled over a cute little site, "My Inner Fairy," and found just what I needed to help get over my self-pity party.

"And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing
guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity
is self-doubt." ~Sylvia Plath

Thank you "Inner Fairy" and I will endeavor to believe in myself. Until then I'll just be happy writing!

(You can visit "My Inner Fairy" here


What is consistency?

Do you have it?

I asked myself these questions and my answer is 'NO" I don't have consistency, unless my consistency is chaos. I am consistent with that. I am so inconsistent I want to scream at times.

Now ask yourself, how do you get consistency?

Have you figured it out?

Can you tell me please!!??

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Writer's Write

I sit down and adjust my chair closer to the computer,
shake my hands out then place them carefully on the keys,
pointers on F and J, and then I stare at the flashing cursor.
All the thoughts and ideas I have had all day flee,
leaving an empty "aaaaahhhh" in my head.

I've been told writer's write, but what do you write when you have nothing to write?
Well, I guess you blog.

So here's another tip for you writer's out there.


For some of you, like me, it is hard to dedicate an hour block of time, so most of the time my hour each day is made up of five minutes here, ten minutes there. But I do write most of the time, and come on let's be honest, if you call yourself a writer, then you'd better write.

And here's a bonus tip


Which means, write about things you have personally experienced and/or things you have learned, understand and have a passion for, ie history of the Maya people, building of the Great Wall of China, etc.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Writer's Workshop - Tip of the Day

Yesterday I had the privilege of listening to author, Terry Trueman, talk about the struggles and trials he went through in his life, which gave him the inspiration to write Stuck in Neutral which became a Printz Honor Book. I also got the chance to learn from Mark McVeigh, an agent from NY.

The tip for the day comes from Terry Trueman. When asked what main things helped him to become the author he is today he listed three things.

The more you write the more your talent develops, perseverance includes hard work and dedication and luck, though don't expect things to just fall in your lap. You need to make contacts, put yourself out there, and of course you ms, and you will eventually get lucky.

More tips from this workshop will be posted in days to follow. Please comment to let me know if this is helpful and what you would like to know.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Being a Mother

The moment the purple tinged baby boy is placed in my arms, I am lost. I love him completely with my entire being. I will do anything for this child. And the feeling is the same with the next. But with the next also comes fear, sorrow and the resolve to do everything in my power to ensure this little one gets a fair shot at life as he clings to life in the NICU, attached to IV's, oxygen and countless other wires.
They are now both strong healthy boys, nine and almost six. They are growing up, and with that comes a new fear. How long is my nine year old going to want my hugs and kisses? How much longer will I be able to carry my baby to bed, his feet dangling past my knees? How do I stop them from leaving me?
As mothers we all encourage our children to that next step, learning to crawl, then to walk and talk, ride a bike, drive a car, but one day they will leave and I will be left alone. Alone to worry and fret, are they getting enough sleep, are they eating right, are they being safe? Worrying if they can make it on their own, and knowing I can't make it without them.
I rejoice in the time I have with my exuberant boys, rejoice in the love they show me and the kisses and cuddles they let me give them. But most of all, I rejoice because they chose me, as imperfect as can be, but who loves them with every fiber of her being. On this Mother's Day, I recognize the love and honor my boys have for me. On this day, I am thankful I have one of the most important jobs in this world. Being a mother!! I am THEIR mother!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I am the Human Jungle Gym

Crouching down I spread my arms wide, almost knocked over by the force of the one year old as he vaults into my arms. After a snuggle, he turns to leave and quickly his spot is replaced by another then another. Soon I am surrounded on all sides by giggling, wiggling bodies, they succeed in knocking me over and then proceed to climb on, as though I am nothing more than a ride for their amusement. Though in this case they are right as I giggle right along beside them, tickling and bouncing them until they tumble off, rolling harmlessly on the carpet. Sitting, I spot her smiling as she watches the display, but hides her face when I beckon to her. My view of her is blocked as the wigglers and gigglers return, piling on me until I succumb and fall over to a trio of renewed giggles. I rejoice in my role, the Human Jungle Gym.