(Not sure who the older boy is)
Back in February, my boys and I had the great opportunity to meet Max Baucus. Since moving to Montana, I have heard about Sen. Baucus and always thought he was doing a good job. I voted for him at election times, and agreed with a lot of the things he did. Including starting the CHIP program here in Montana.
For those who don't know about CHIP (Children's Health Insurance Plan) helps children whose family makes too much for medicaid, but not enough to be able to afford insurance themselves. My boys are recipients, 7 years for Patterson, and since Corbin was born, almost 5 years ago.
Sen. Baucus wanted to meet and talk with a family CHIP had helped and wanted to use us as an example in his address to the Montana Congress, asking them to continue to fund the CHIP program and to increase the budget to help more kids.
While we were there we also got to meet the Lt. Governor (the kids were invited by him to raid his candy jar after the address, which they readily agreed to do.)
It was a really good opportunity to introduce the kids to politics and the important (yet annoying) role they play in our country.
(Boys with their hands in the candy jar)
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